The Feldenkrais Method aims to develop consciousness through movement. Guided in slow and gentle movement sequences, the person listens to his or her body in a lively and organic way.Grounding supports, breathing and connection between different parts of the body constitute the main axes of the exploration. This way of listening to every sensation and to the body as a whole helps recreate new links between the neocortex and the body. The neuroplasticity that this method subtlety mobilizes allows the reprogramming of a more complete relationship with the body, the environment and one’s self-image through the nervous system.
Where previously there were tensions, muscular contraction and movements carried out with effort, through this method the body regains fluidity, coordination and its anchoring in the ground. Rediscovering the pleasure of moving in harmony and with flexibility as we have all experienced as children. Rediscovering the organic grace and intelligence inherent in the body.
We will finish the class with a small improvisation to integrate the principles into dance.